arriving on Vancouver Island

Knotty Threads

Silent beings of the night

Fisheye's view from under the wharf.

Postcard from Vancouver Island

Galiano Oak

And to keep me from falling

Galiano Panorama

Turn Point Light Station

Galiano Sun Star

Foggy view from a BC Ferry Crossing between Victoria and Vancouver British Columbia Canada

Arbutus Tree

Pioneer house .. Ruckle farm

Ocean Sound

Unknown Beach

Island Growth

Spirit of BC VF2_0707.JPG

Morning Rocky Shore

Saturna Island Dock

View from the ferry to Victoria

Lighthouse Point

Calm seas in Active Pass

Mayne Island Light

Anchorage, Annette Inlet, Prevost Island

(IMG_0674 Uploaded on 5/2/2014) The way by boat from Vancouver to Victoria, Canda,

Into The Green

Saturna Vineyards

Turn Point Light, Stuart Island, San Juan Islands


#canada #britishcolumbia #bcferry #sunset #redsky #summer #holidays

Afternoon calm

I’ll be in Tofino in a few weeks, so I’m not too worried about the shortage of sandy beaches around here.

On the ferry from Victoria to Vancouver

Never been up here for sunset before


085/365 Let me live forever


Clear Shore