Reservoir overlook in autumn

Afternoon moon in November through cypress

Summer Solstice Midnight Visitor - Full-spectrum photography.

Neighborhood skating

Beautiful view from the office

Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Gartin at Paul Johnson's Inaugural Ball, with '62-'63, Miss Hospitality, Loren Ormond, in left middle ground.

For God so loved the world...

partially opened dogwood

Former Gov. and Mrs. Ross Barnett at Paul Johnson's Inaugural Ball, Jan., '64.

The moon rising over Butler Snow at the Renaissance in Ridgeland, Mississippi

dogwood side view

Bottle Tree View of the Craft Center

Bailey Junior High School.

Mississippi Memorial Stadium under construction.

Project 366 2008 March 03 63/366

Christian Center, Millsaps College, Jackson.

Comparison of Canon 5D Mark III and a Canon 7D with the Canon 1.4x II extender, Butler Snow building

Mississippi Children's Museum exterior panoramic

Admiring the View

WWF Wrestling Birthday Cake

reservoir 2

Fog at Mayes Lake

The Log

Amazing Grace

Sometimes you think you could live on the water #sunset #sun_collection #instagramjxn

A Color Map of the Sun

Here comes the sun....Happy Thursday!

Disc 128 054

The Giving Tree

Disc 180 047

Follow the light

as I pass by

end of holiday sunset

Horses in a Field of Yellow Wildflowers

This happened.

Disc106 266

Front Row Seating

Beautiful Pic on the Rez

Disc 133 095

Romans 5:8

"You would have to be half mad to dream me up"