PPBD 1311 | EMD SW1300 | FEC Railway

Jupiter Inlet

Tiki Hut Marsh View

Lily Pads, Grass and Sky

Comfy Marsh View

Florida Life: Blues

Florida Life: Coral Cove Sunrise

Florida Life: Jupiter Inlet Sunrise

Florida Life: Sunrise At The Pier

Love: Shark Soup? Wet Lusty Lovers At Singer Island, Palm Beach, Florida - IMRAN™ — 10,000+ Views!

The Landmark

Sapphire-eyed Bee Fly (Tmemophlebia sp.)

Juno Beach Pier

sub king

Mountain View

Juno Beach

An artist fixes his imagination in a tangible form called a photograph ~ Ken Rockwell

Lighthouse Visitors

Seas, Family, Droppin' Sun; An Ode To Swiss Family Robinson - IMRAN™ -- 5,500+ Views! 75+ Comments. Explored!

A balcony in Juno Beach ©®

Giant Swallowtail in flight

Sunrise, dune grass, coconut palm trees, beach.

One afternoon in Blowing Rocks Preserve. ©®

Sunrise on the rocks

Heart in Sol


Coral Cove/Blowing Rocks Jupiter (Explored 6-15-4 #74)

Dawn at Coral Cove


Florida Life: Trip The Light Fantastic

Coral Cove

Blowing Rock Preserve, Florida.

Observation Tower View

Tranquility {Explore!}

Jupiter Lighthouse 3


Jupiter Sunrise

Blue Boat

Grassy Shoreline at Sunrise, Palm Beach Shores (DTA_1763) *** EXPLORED ***