Hop, Skip and a Jump

Steppin' it up!

Eye on the prize

Nailed It!!

I see you!!

Marbled Beauty

I'm all poofed up!

The perfect viewing point 500_7389.jpg


Coming at ya!

Morning Stroll

A little dab will do ya!

I Got Mine!

Gator Lake, Six Mile Cypress Slough Preserve - Florida

Fish to go!!

Looky what I caught!!!

The Stalker

Outta my way!!!

Hot Pursuit!

The Negotiation

An afternoon of Bowditch Point Park Fl.

Boardwalk, Six Mile Cypress Slough Preserve - Florida

Six Mile Cypress Slough Preserve - Florida

Walking along Fort Myer beach.

Coconut Point Mall

Fog and Mist

02/52 - Afterglow

01/52 - In A Mood

Waiting For Dinner

Florida Wetlands

Solitude at the Beach

All By Myself

05/52 -- Never Let Go

I like it

Estero Florida Sunset


Family Sunset

Florida Golf

Never Enough [Explore 15Feb2016]

Birds (Avian + Homo Sapien)

An oldie that I never posted.