aurora ray

Funeral Invitation and Letter, 1873

aurora with ray

aurora above a quiet road

comet lovejoy

Criminal Mischief, Menacing and Disorderly Conduct in Unsafe Amsterdam New York

view from the bridge

moon on january 31, 2015

forest floor eye view

Plotter Kill Preserve

Mom And Her Little One

Obscure and Obscured (Explored)

yellow tulips viewed through an old water lens

view from the top of Bean Hill

Sad House II

Together in Death

Schenectady Auto Club Building

view from the top of Bean Hill

view from the top of Bean Hill

view from the top of our hill

view from the top of Bean Hill

Pastoral Scene

West Glenville Cemetery

Quiet Ending

reclaimed wetland area near 890/5

mariaville lake

Swirling Water

Snow--or Powdered Sugar?

Morning After the Snowfall


Horsing Around

Pastoral Scene

Melting Ice

Mohawk River Ice


White and Whiter

TTRAG 2010

Small Falls at Plotter Kill Preserve

reclaimed wetland area near 890/5


South Amsterdam, NY