D&H 2306 Cobleskill Coal

Caverna Magica ( Explore 9/7/09 #496)

Ingold-Schaeffer New World Dutch Barn

pond eyes

Schoharie Valley Views 2

The Pipe Organ Up Close

Old Stone Fort Cemetery

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Old Stone Fort Cemetery 2

Old Stone Fort Cemetery 3

Vroman's Nose - Middleburgh, NY - 2011, Mar - 01.jpg

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wasps weave paper patterns

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library heart

Howe Caverns Motorcycle: Rear View

1743 Palatine House

Vista grande.

Fox Creek covered bridge

Blenheim Covered Bridge

Middleburgh, NY

Misty Fields

D&H 7406 Richmondville Hill

Cloudy Day

HDR Waterfall

Small Pond

Bridge Over Fox Creek

Fox Creek

On a beautiful couldy day - Howes Cave, Catskill Mountains, NY

fall rainbow

New footbridge in the Patria State Forest

Dripping Rock

The Dock

On Edge

Middleburgh, NY



For the Ages