View of downtown Ave Maria, Collier County, Florida, USA

Across the pond

View of downtown Ave Maria, Florida, USA

Purple Grackle

Sunset view from the church square #sunset #florida #visitflorida #everglades #avemaria #ruralflorida

Nature's perfect holiday ornament

Whatcha ya doin momma?

Ave Maria Oratory

Eyeballing a snack

Painted Bunting

Ruddy Daggerwing rear view

Why did the praying mantis cross the road?

Sneaking off: just where do you think you're going?

The sun also rises

Florida Summer Moon

View from our Latin classroom.

View of downtown Ave Maria, Collier County, Florida USA

2013 02 08_Corkscrew_2432_edited-1.psd

Summer Moon

Spotted Fever

It is a small bridge but we crossed it!

Mourning Dove

Red-shouldered Hawks

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawks in flight

Corkscrew Path at Corkscrew Swamp

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Tall and Thin

Morning Buffet

Nature and Person - PHIL 205 with Dr. Michael Pakaluk

Great Crested Flycatcher


Dreamy Nature

Swamp in Distress

Purple clouds over the Oratory

Corkscrew Swamp boardwalk



Friday night on one of my favorite golf courses with two of my favorite people. This thunder head can't even touch us. #clouds #golf

Myrtle Warbler