Bridge with a view


Ormond Beard #2, "Tranquility", Lorton, Virginia

Devin Duke, Woodbridge, Virginia

Lake Caroline Gazebo

Lake Caroline Gazebo

George Washington's Gristmill

Mayapple blossom droplet

Night Fair

On a Pine Limb in the Light #1

Broken Fence Technocolored Vision No. One

Blackwater Park

Foot Bridge

rainy, leafy 11/17/14 front porch view

Arlington Virginia,USA.

You Spin Me Right Round

Ormand Beard #5, "Vulnerability To Love", Lorton, Virginia

Nico Dupree, "Deadly Sin", Old Town, Vienna, Virginia #4

Fish Eye view of the Lily Pads on Walney Pond Centreville VA


Lavender Color Look On Sandstone No.1

Loner Flower

Morning Revelry

12/9/13 ice


Mendung hari berlalu

Lofty Aspirations

Meadowlark Gazebo

Day Dreaming about the Beach (Fairfax Illusions)

Occoquan, Va.

down the road i go

Be Here

Peak Bloom

Should I...

Lily Pads on Walney Pond Centreville VA on Fall Day

Burke Lake

No Green Grass

Lake Gardiner

“Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good poem, see one exquisite picture, and, if possible, speak a few sensible words.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Sunset at Fountian Head Park

Rotonda Fall Woods

Lake Audubon - Summer, August 2013 - Last picture before I ran to my car...LOL