Bufflehead Drake

Bufflehead in Habitat

Swimming out there Alone

Tree Swallow - "The Stare"

Happy Holidays

Barn Swallow

Roster View

River Shadows and Silhouettes

Forest Jewel

Mallards in Flight

Little Fighter Jet

Red-tailed Hawk - "Watching"

A Rapacious Great Blue

This is just a test

Bufflehead Hen

Front and back view

Mourning Dove

Pied-billed Grebe w/Minnow

Egret on White

Burnings Sky

Tree Swallow

Navy Yard Bridge

Song Sparrow

Grey Catbird


Green heron with snakehead

Blowin' in the Wind

Morning Dove

Fall Forest No.2

The Dam at Sycamore Mills

Green Heron

Bellevue State Park - 16-35mm F4L - Canon 5D Mark IV

Fall Forest No.3

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Golden Dreams

Dreary December

Fox Point State Park - 24-105mm - 5D Mark IV

Smoke on the Water

159 | 365: Skyline From Bartram's Garden

Farm on Goshen Road

The Wilderness

Wood Thrush