Beale Street Blues

Memphis - Food - Music - Fun

Day divides the night

JCPenney Wreckage Pick-up

Hernando DeSoto Bridge at Dusk - Memphis

North side view

Elvis has left the building (in shambles)

Macy's and Southland Mall, 50 years later

Classic delicatessen sign (explored)

Drive-thru side deterioration

Beale Street - Walking in Memphis

Admiral Benbow Inn - Memphis, Tennessee

Google Street View - Pan-American Trek - Memphis, TX

Super Kmart (rear view)

One more view of Sportsman's Center Wal-Mart

Southbrook Mall, stuck in 1972 (explored June 18, 2013)

Timeless Effort

Directions (9/365)

Memphis, 1 Peter 2:12

Memphis circa 1953

Winter has Arrived (18/365)

Lost Sunset

Rewind to August 2008: remnants of a Corondolet retail ghost town

Goodnight Sun

Memphis Sunrise...

Mississippi River At Sunset (Hipstamatic Contest Entry)

Sunset Over the Mississippi

Memphis Flood 2011 45.44 feet (22)

Memphis - Bridge over the Mississippi

#mississippiriver #sunset Sunday evening

#htc #mike #buffaloriver #arkansas

Merging Clouds

No Man is a Peninsula

Mississippi River

Outside Memphis.


It was a dark and stormy Sunday evening... #thunderstorm #thunder #rain #weather #wreg #memphis

Sunset over the Mississippi River

Sunset over the Mississippi

Morning on the River

Good friends bad habits

#memphis #sunset ... #nuffsaid