The Twins, Chile

Kitschy Postcard Motive

Altiplano Landscape - Lakes

Trucks going to Bolivia

Parinacota Landscape View

Wild Parinacota

Parinacota view

Cross at Parinacota

Graves at Pan-American Highway

Chile 2016

Parinacota (explored)

Cráter en las alturas

Volcán Parinacota (explored)

Lago Chungara (explored)

Chungará Lake (4500m) and the volcano Parinacota (6348m), Putre, Arica and Parinacota Region, Chile (2007). The animals are vicuñas.

Volcán Parinacota

Parinacota & Sajama, Chile

Chungará Lake (4500m) and the volcano Parinacota (6348m), Putre, Arica and Parinacota Region, Chile (2007). The animals are vicuñas.

Vicuñas & Volcanoes, Chile

En busca del agua...

Chungara met zicht op de volcan Parinacota(1)

Volcan Parinacota


Chungará (4500m), the volcano Parinacota (6348m) and the volcano Pomerape (6222m), Putre, Arica and Parinacota Region, Chile (2007). The animals are vicuñas.

Volcan Pomerape

Chile - bofedales al parque Lauca

Chungará Lake (4500m), with the three volcanoes Umurata (5730m), Acotango (6052m), and Capurata (5950m), on the border of Chile en Bolivia. On the right the volcano Guallatiri (6071m), Putre, Arica and Parinacota Region, Chile (2007).



Lago Chungara