Der Wiener Prater im herbstlichen Gewand

View from Donau Turm, Vienna

Prater / Vienna

Ahhhh... Wonderful life!!

Unexpected Detail

Und i schau in die Sun

Lomo – high flying swing

Diverging views.

Vienna seen from the Danube Tower

City lights

Wolkersdorf, Lower Austria (Schloss Wolkersdorf), Palacio de Wolkersdorf, Wolkersdorf Palace, Palazzo di Wolkersdorf, le Palais de Wolkersdorf - Zamek (Schlossplatz)

A Straight View

Bird's-eye view

View from Donau Turm, Vienna

wavy windows

Praterstern Station #2

Worm Willy, packed - at the Pleasure Ground Prater - Wurmbahn Willy Wiener Wurschtlprater


across the danube (small panorama)

365-058 Mountains?

Stop n Watch, Donauturm - Vienna

Autumn Reflection

Am blauen Wasser (2)

Colors of Autumn

"And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years."

Colors of Autumn

one of thousand

“Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain”

“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”

autumn leaves

Morning over Vienna

look ahead

Water Lily Pond - Nuphar lutea, Gelbe Teichrosen, "Seerosenteich" - Lobau - im Wasser Spiegel - in the water mirror - Undine

Human Traces


Wien, 2. Bezirk, Kirche zum Heiligen Franz von Assisi, la chiesa al San Francesco d'Assisi, la iglesia al Santo Francisco de Asís, l'église au Saint François d'Assise, the church to Saint Francis of Assisi, Franciszek z Asyżu

Alt Donau

blue hour

Beginning of cherry blossom time in Marchfeld

Im Wasserpark

Rural Living

My jungle in Vienna