Dream A Little Dream

Inca Dove

Gambel's Quail

Sonoita Platinum

Wind Power!!

Summer Tanager

Abert's Towhee

Little Yelllow Bird

Violet-crowned Hummingbird

Violet-crowned Hummingbird

Wine Press

Color Field, Golden Grasses

Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Preserve

Baird's Sparrow

Violet-crowned Hummingbird

Simple Weeds

IMG_3573 Plain-capped Starthroat Hummingbird

Wine Grapes

Red Mountain Accommodations

View from Sonoita Vineyards

Red Mountain Road

Open Grazing

Southern Arizona Sunset

Overlooking Sonora

San Rafael Valley

Arizona March 2015

Dry Grasses

Canelo Hills

Soaring Over the Grasslands

Behind the Vineyard

Research Ranch, Coronado National Forest, Cochise County, Arizona.

Research Ranch, Coronado National Forest, Cochise County, Arizona

Last Year's Vintage

San Rafael Grasslands - southern AZ

Antelope and the Mustang Mountains, Near Sonoita Arizona

Arizona Farm