Shadows Falling

End of an Era

Valley Forge - Maurice Stephens House (Rear Spring or Milk House Field View)

Valley Forge 24K 9-6-15 4984

Chanticleer Gardens

Another view of the great lawn

Cumulus Accumulation (7/365)

Ray of Light

Misty Morning

Until The Morning

365/Day16 - View From My "Office"

Eyewitness to grandeur . . .

Rainy Tax Day Vignette (1/3)

Chester Co Barn-House_6558.jpg

Chanticleer People

National Memorial Arch

Morning at Headquarters

JTCX 5809

Lord Stirling's Barn hdr 19

Dead Tree

From B+W to color (Trichromy 6/7)

Carpet of gold

Valley of Fog

29/365 - Path More Traveled

Morning Light in Valley Forge NP

Spooky Path

Fall Forest No.2

Fall Forest No.3

November Perkiomen

Late Afternoon Sun at Valley Forge

365/Day10 - Places to breathe

The Dam at Sycamore Mills

Smoke on the Water

Wayne's Woods

Sunset Selfie

Shade some light

Dreary December

18 Century Walnut Hill - Pawlings Farm Pano

Battlefield Sunset

Farm on Goshen Road

Mid Summer Morning