Batu Hiu

Shark's Rock - Batu Hiu

Shark's Rock

Batu Hiu Beach

Batu Hiu - Shark's Rock

We did a boottrip from Kali to Peucang on Jawe Indonesia

Pangandaran, Slamet view

Bridge, Canoe and Cloud

Shark Stone Beach

Citumang River Body Rafting 3

Curug Pangandaran

Pangandaran sunset

Thanks God

Citumang Body Rafting

201601 - Indonésie - 0306.jpg

201601 - Indonésie - 0297.jpg

201601 - Indonésie - 0282.jpg

201601 - Indonésie - 0156.jpg

The sea with no end

The beauty of Karapyak beach #landscapes #mypangandaran #eksplorepangandaran #infopangandaran #beach #asus #asuszenfone2 #kamerahpgue

Citumang River Body Rafting 2


When u need me, you call me& I'm there: when I need you, I call you and your no where to be found.

kembali-ke-alam | back-to-nature ✌

Sunset at Kalipucang #indonesia #u_phy #infotourismindo #switcheyesnap #loveroyal3 #fp_society #natgeo #instanusantara @instanusantara @infotourismindo #indonesia_photography @indonesia_photography #HDR #hdr_flair #sony #sonymirrorless #sony_indonesia #s

Langit Batu hiu