Door 345

Blue hour view south from 'A' Mountain toward Mexico.

Desert decor. Tucson, Arizona.

View west from north end of Campbell Avenue, Tucson, Arizona.

Wow view

Pusch Ridge in the rain. Santa Catalina Mountains, Tucson, Arizona.

View southeast from north end of Campbell Avenue. Tucson, Arizona.

Sanctuary of the Benedictine Monastery, Tucson, Arizona. View east toward the altar.

At the Benedictine Monastery, 3. Tucson, Arizona

Sanctuary of the Benedictine Monastery, Tucson, Arizona. View west from the altar toward the rose window.

At the Benedictine Monastery. Tucson, Arizona.

Close Lightning

Moving In

the buffet cocktails package liquors, tucson, est 1934

Electric Fountain :: Non-HDR

The house in the clouds. Tucson, Arizona.

Trail Dust Depot

Alternate view of Thimble Peak

Cherry Blossoms by Night :: HDR

Driving to Tucson.

the shelter, est. early 1960s

Appreciating the Environment

Columbus Lake II

Columbus Lake

Just Another Tequila Sunrise....

House With a View

A Lone Sign Guiding the Direction and Flow In and Out of Sabino Canyon

Monsoon rain over the Tortolitas - view north from 'A' Mountain. Tucson, Arizona. EXPLORE - Aug. 24, 2013.

Saguaro Sunset

Finger Rock Trail

February 21st- Day 44

December 13th- Day 347

Tucson Mountains - Arizona


a path in nature

Water flow over Sabino Dam

Yard Rainbow

Entering Bear Canyon