Metallic Pennant (female)- Aripeka Sandhills Preserve

Little Blue Heron- Hudson Beach

Dying Mall

Osprey- Hudson Beach

Close-Up of Community Congregational Church, New Port Richey, Florida (2 of 4)

Four-spotted Pennant (female)- Holiday, Florida

Fishing at Sunset - Hudson FL (Gulf of Mexico)

Worship Entrance, Community Congregational Church, New Port Richey, Florida (4 of 4)

Front of Community Congregational Church, New Port Richey, Florida (1 of 4)

Office Entrance, Community Congregational Church, New Port Richey, Florida (3 of 4)

Southern Black Racer- The Yard

Brown Pelican, Hudson Beach

Queen Butterfly (Danaus gilippus)- Timber Oaks Abandoned Golf Course

Polydamas Swallowtail (Battus polydamas), Timber Oaks, Florida

Common Green Darner, Timber Oaks

Edgewater Motel (Faux Postcard 2 of 2) New Port Richey, FL

Dying Mall

Oerlikon 20mm AA rear

Red-veined Pennant (immature male)- Aripeka Sandhills Preserve

Dying Mall

Osprey- Hudson Beach

Red-shouldered Hawk (juvenile)- A nice and regular Yard Bird.

Sandhill Clubtail (male)- Aripeka Sandhills Preserve

Cicada KIller (Sphecius speciosus)

Southern Toad, Bayonet Point, Florida

Starkey Wilderness Park walk

Scarlet Skimmer (immature male)- Werner-Boyce Salt Springs State Park

Bokeh Blooms

Cuban Treefrog juvenile, Timber Oaks Abandoned Golf Course

View of Canal and Promenade Gulf Harbor Condominiums

Scarlet Skimmer female- Timber Oaks Abandoned Golf Course- Bayonet Point, Florida

Great Blue Skimmer, Werner-Boyce Salt Springs State Park

Prairie Warbler, Timber Oaks Abandoned Golf Course

Four-spotted Pennant, Timber Oaks Abandoned Golf Course

riding into the sunset

Island in the Clouds

BW Tree

Gulf Sunset [Explored]

Daily gift

Starkey Wilderness Park walk