L&N Railroad Turn Bridge - Clarksville, Tennessee

219/365 - Uneeda Biscuit Building

Kentucky Fall

220/365 - L&N Railroad Turn Bridge & Trestles

Wilma Rudolph

4th of July Fireworks - Clarksville, Tennessee's "Eve of the 4th" display


213/365 - Barn Life

2nd & Franklin

Gate 6 Auto Repair sign - Clarksville, Tennessee

178/365 - Corn

239/365 - First Presbyterian Church, Clarksville, TN

248/365 - Foggy Sunrise


226/365 - Montgomery County, TN Courthouse - Clarksville, TN

A Handlers Point of View

Harvest thru the Barbed Wire

Seek Thee A Better Day

Spider Eats Bee - View Large size

247/365 - Tree Silhouette at Sunset

Riverview sunset...

Sunset over Clarksville, TN - Cumberland River and Harbor

Dunbar Cave Trail

227/365 - L&N Railroad Turn Bridge

240/365 - American Farmland

Noahs Branch Fork - Ft. Campbell, Kentucky (Tennessee)

Noahs Branch Fork - Ft. Campbell, Kentucky (Tennessee)

Ethereal - Part II

Red Barn @ gate 7

Taal Fall...

Evey T on the Cumberland

Blue on black

Cumberland River bottom

Heritage Park