Trekking under the baking sun and high humidity, Northern Laos

Akha village

En rouge et noir

Jeune-femme Acka Ya'er

Jeunes-femmes Ko Pala

Une belle jeunesse

Ça file...

Oudomxay Province, northern Laos

Public Bus for Muang Khua from Oudomxay Bus Terminal, northern Laos

Bus ride to Phongsali

Bus ride to Phongsali

Bus ride to Phongsali

Pak Nam Noi, Laos

Our hostess preparing the sticky rice baskets - Ta-oi village

Khmu village central meeting area, Northern Laos

Khmu village in the mountains, Northern Laos

Our host family, Khmu village, Northern Laos

Showing photos from France, Khmu village, Northern Laos

Evening in the homestay, Khmu village, Northern Laos

Playing ka-taw (kick volleyball) after work, northern Laos

Playing ka-taw (kick volleyball) after work, northern Laos