Charleston South Carolina Spring Flowers Lowcountry Landscape Photography

Charleston South Carolina - Drayton Hall - Ashley River

6/365 - Crape Myrtle pods

Beautiful Day, 29 of 365

Drayton Hall, Charleston, South Carolina

Rice Mill Pond

Our view from the tower.

Charleston SC Magnolia Plantation Gardens - Memory Lane

Charleston SC Spring Azalea Flowers - A Servant's Grace

Peaceful view at Magnolia Plantation

Monarch Caterpillar

Back Yard Garden Path - Through the Fence View

Storm Coming

Early Morning Sunrise

Charleston SC Azalea Flowers and Sunlight - Fairytale Forest

View Across the Ashley

A little sunshine to brighten your day...

Ashley River Storm Clouds

26/365 - he followed the sun; she followed the stars; in dreams they listened closely for the beginning of all things, for that was where they knew they'd find each other.

i've got my eye on you

Charleston, SC - The Magnolia Plantation and Gardens