Warung Desa

"Somewhere between the bottom of the climb and the summit is the answer to the mystery why we climb.” -Greg Child ???????? . . Please enjoy the view from (almost) the top of Penanggungan mountain. ???????????? *masukin A

Java Trowulan Rain View 20190321_145309 DSCN3978

Java Trowulan Museum 20190322_082849 DSCN3980

Logawa on Eastbound


#uniquelyford @@FordIndonesia @netmediatama #hdr_indonesia Musim Tanam

Damainya desaku... Andromax i InstaWeather

Pengrajin Bata Merah

Ladang Jagung... #esiamaxpic #instasunda #greenmaxpic

Sunset Goes Down

Sawah dan kebun tebu

Sembung kuwuk

Randa lenguk

Urena Lobata

"In the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain!" -Jack Kerouac ???????? . Jalur dari puncak bayangan sampe puncak Penanggungan, nanjak tanpa bonus *yaiyalah*, medan bat

Areal model kayu bakar thn 2007

Monev pasca proyek

urena Lobata

Crossing Early Morning around Paddy Field

Kembang glepang

Picnic By The Temple

Indonesia. Java. Templo de Bajang Ratu

Among The Pine Trees