18 # SiU

It's Thai Time We Roll

In Sprays of Trains

A Little Red Rider in the Hood

Hang Time - 11:50 AM

Hotel View at Night

Sunrise Over Chiang Mai.

An Evening in Chiang Mai

Sundown in Chiang Mai

"Gold Standard"

Lonely Day

2019-11a Folk Costumes (02)

2019-11a Folk Costumes (03)

Floating Lantern Festival

The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the LORD has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes. Psalm 118:22-23

2019-11a Folk Costumes (01)

The Bhuddist prayers

Wat Phan Tao

2019-11a Folk Costumes (04)

2019-11a Folk Costumes (05)

2013-06b Putting Up the Umbrella 2019 (08)

Grow and Behold

Le soleil se couche

Cloudy Sunset

Thaï dancer

Temple Art.

The eye of the dragon

Moat of old City

Wat Phra Singh

chiang mai

Chiang Mai. Waterfall.

Walked around CMU. Lake

Hombres pescando con red

Wat Chedi Luang

Walk-about Chiang Mai.

Wat Chedi Luang.

Si Phum Corner - IMG_5823

Wat Prah Singh at night

ChediluangTemple, Chiangmai

ChiangMai .Thailand