Autumn HDR... Salem Trail, North Carolina

Just a Beautiful Tree

"He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the LORD." -Psalm 33:5

Red Neighbor

Old Salem Squirrel

Movie Night

On The Verge, Of Something, Of Course

"He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the LORD." -Psalm 33:5

Salem Lake dam - yeah yeah....I cant stop I just love this place

no woman... no cry... my friend Big Time ;-)

Saint Paul's Episcopal Church

Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs.

Rat Chevy Truck at the Heavy Rebel Weekender

Who's That Girl

View from the Sun Room on a Cloudy Day

Reynolda Gardens - sun thru the trees

Salem Lake Sunset

Bethabara in the snow

Downtown Winston Salem night - triple conjunction

Walking on Sunshine

Downtown Winston Salem - Winston Tower and Wachovia Center

#TanglewoodPark #Clemmons #northcarolina #landscape #water #reflections #fountain #clouds #sky #colors

NC Yadkin bridge trestles cascading to infinity

Barred Owl at Tanglewood Park

#bikerace #bikeride #wsnc #clouds #rain

The marsh @Reynolda Gardens

Rustic Shelter

pink forest

Out for a bike ride ... #bikeride #bikewsnc

You know you are doing something right when you return to the same spot and get a different shot ... #bikeride #biketherapy #cycletherapy #surly #surlybikes #surlystraggler #brookssaddle #enjoyeverymile #enjoyeveryride #ridewithaview

Wait Chapel sunset

#bikeride #bikewsnc #nofilter

Bike racing @ the fair grounds #bikewsnc #bikeforsythconc #bikeride

Salem Cemetery

The Iris Farm

Reynolda Gardens

field of yellow

Tanglewood Park, Clemmons, NC. #TanglewoodPark #Clemmons #northcarolina #sky #water #clouds #landscape #forsythcounty

Good Night for a Ball Game - 116/365

Beautiful day on the Quad @wfuniversity #college #nofilter #campus #isitfallyet

Downtown Winston-Salem