Worse For Wear... (A Reprise)

Southern Railway Station, Boonville, Indiana

Reaching For A Piece Of The Sun... (We all reach for that star sometimes)

Wings in the Sun

Wings In Motion

A Beautiful View, On A Cloudy Day

"If You Like Piña Coladas And...."

Warrick County Court House, Boonville, Indiana

That's A Big Straw!!

East side of court house square, Boonville, Indiana

North side of court house square, Boonville, Indiana

An Impressionist's Dragonfly

Standing Stiff

Bird's-eye view west from the standpipe, Boonville, Indiana

Worse For Wear.....

U.S. Senator Hemenway residence, Boonville, Indiana

A Soldier's Work Is Never Done

Bidens Aristosa

Wildflowers In Hoosier National Forest

Warrick County Coal Surface Mining (Strip Mine)

Another Indiana sunset

Coal Mine

Deluge from a distance

Aurda's Landscape

Indiana, Warrick County