Not a bad view

A day without shoes

No Speeding On Brewster Road / P2014-0212D062 exif

Barber Motorsports Museum

Winter Storm February 12-13, 2014 / P2014-0212D063 exif

January 23rd Tornado Destruction / 2012-0128D0005

Old Camp Cosby Lake / 2012-0204D0004

Rusty Water Tower / 2012-0204D0028


Nature destroys what it creates (4/52)

Pebble Lake Neighborhood / P2014-0212D061 exif

Military Harley Dirt Bike

Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum

Cub Haunted

Barber Vintage Motosprts Museum, Leeds, AL

Another new view

GPAlabama 1624

great view

good view

Temperature Humidity

"Man Cave" Home Office, c.2016

186 Eastbound

GPAlabama 0587

The Sonnet House - Leeds, Alabama

Road Trip Photos

NS 172 Cook Springs Alabama

Beautiful sunset at work looking out the window! @garagecocustoms @lizard1951 @dixiedanger

PCA Friday DE at Barber_06

Spring run, tributary of Big Canoe Creek, St. Clair Co., Alabama

PCA Friday DE at Barber_08

PCA Friday DE at Barber_07

Eurycea cirrigera egg mass, Big Canoe Creek Tributary, St. Clair Co., Alabama

Easter day

Barber AMA 2007

Huffman Birmingham

NS 154 Cook Springs Alabama.

January 23rd Tornado Destruction / 2012-0128D0010

Barber Motorsports Park

One Session, Three Pickups

Horse Pasture / P1983-0605a069-06