Goldfinch (14)

Robin (15)

Goldfinch (22)

Orchid (1)

Squirrel (104)

DSC_1251 It's A Bugs Life

Baby Robin (36) Taken through Caravan window

standing alone

This Years Baby Parakeet (32) Wild Bird on my Feeder next to our Caravan in Kent and also taken through the Caravan window

Ring Necked Parakeet (213)

Moth (15)

Boletus Fungi (6)

Parakeet 25.10.18 (127) Through new Caravan windows

Great spotted woodpecker (28)

Comma Butterfly (1)

Wood Pigeon 23.9 (26) Taken through Caravan window again

Bluetit had a hard busy time looking after and razing it's young 1

Western Salsify (7)

Robin (93)

Ring Necked Parakeet (120)

DSC_8011 went to Kent and see this lovely Chicken of the woods funguss more shot below from other angles

Chipstead Lake...

enchanted forest

evening poppies dancing in the breeze

Macrolepiota procera Field Parasol (2)

a whole new world

Shaggy Parasol fingi (1)

Panoramic Poppies

Longing for the Electric Car

you fill me with inspiration

Morning light

8th & 13th Greens

ripening for harvest

Shoreham Lavender

Glowing Trees

Caught wool

Winter Woodland Pathway - ICM

Never ending {explored}

I like October so far

Autumnal ICM

Golden Crops.

Summer Reflection