Floating Free

Trinity-Anns Reflection

Oriental Sunset


Water front on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-30-2007 looking west DSC04685

Water front on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-30-2007 DSC04681

View of Pamlico Sound from the bridge in Oriental. #bikems #bikemsnewbern #oriental #cycling


Last Sunrise

New Day

Cotton Harvest at Open Grounds Farm in eastern North Carolina (4)

Corn Planting in the Blackland of North Carolina

Corn Planting in eastern North Carolina (2)

Cotton Harvest at Open Grounds Farm in eastern North Carolina (2)

Sunrise seats

Oriental NC

Waterfront on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-29-2007 looking west DSC04706

Waterfront on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-30-2007 looking west DSC04703

IMAG0065 (Medium)

Water front on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-30-2007 DSC04658

Water front on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-30-2007 DSC04644

neuse river 2

Waterfront on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-30-2007 looking west DSC04705

sunrise, oyster bay

Waterfront on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-30-2007 looking west DSC04707

IMAG0068 (Medium)

Waterfront on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-30-2007 looking west DSC04697

Sweet corn production at Open Grounds Farm in eastern North Carolina (1)