... danger ...

A View from Cascade Head

Coast not clear

More Oregon Coast goodies from Cape Kiwanda in Pacific City. The dreary weather kept me inside to process more pics I captured sometime ago, when the weather was much, much nicer. . . . . . #capekiwanda #traveloregoncoast #pacificocean #pacificcity #orego

Morning Glow


Hart's Cove

down the line

a bit of summer for your birthday

Lithified Arc

View from Cascade Head, OR

Cascade Head

Pelican Pub And Brewery - The Bar

Grey is a color :)

Cape Kiwanda, OR

Proposal Rock

Playing in the reflection of a giant

Pacific City. OR

Pacific City Morning

Cape Kiwanda, Oregon

Not at Prime Time

Roads End Beach Panorama

When it rains it rains, but that doesn't mean the sky is going to fall upon us.

Cape Kiwanda Cliff Dweller

Cape Kiwanda Color

[] Morning Light On The Beach - I. []

A drift

Kiwanda Curves

Panjandrum Parable

Cape Kiwanda Panorama

As close as I can get for as long as I can be

only the sea

Far and wide but near at hand

Time to choose where to begin

In spirit if not in body

Kiwanda sunset redux

Much ground still to cover

cape kiwanda - outtake i

Bob Straub State Park, Oregon