Day 267 of 366

Sunrise from Grayback Mountain

View from Windy Gap

Hey, it's a waterfall!

View to the Siskiyou crest

View down Sucker Creek

waterfall, waterfall

First view of Swan Mountain

View to part of Pyramid Peak

View of Spiral Staircases in Oregon Caves

Siskiyou Mountains

BIG Douglas-fir

Marble Walls

Cave Entrance

Pyramid Peak dominated the view

Atop the Oregon Caves National Monument

Oregon Caves

View down the O'Brien Creek drainage

Oregon Caves

Night views_DEC 20_

Oregon Caves

Oregon Caves National Monument

Oregon Caves National Monument

Oregon Caves National Monument

Oregon Caves National Monument

Oregon Caves National Monument

Oregon Caves National Monument

Oregon Caves National Monument

Meadows on Grayback Mountain

Oregon Caves National Monument

Oregon Caves National Monument

Shady, but it still was sweltering in the forest

Panorama from Grayback Mountain's slope

Bolan Lake with Snow, Rogue River Siskiyou National Forest

Mt McLoughlin was just a rumor in the smoky haze

Oregon Caves National Monument

Cirque lake, below Pyramid Peak

I took a side trip to explore a small cirque lake

I returned by way of the Boundary Trail

Trail shot