Follow The Leader

Lolo, Montana 59847

After the sun went down.

Bitterroot Mountains

Sunrise in the Bitterroot Valley

Duck Heaven

Florence, Montana 59833

Bitterroot Smoky Mountains

Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge

Rough Legged Hawk Taking Off

Morning in the Bitterroot Valley

Immature Eagle

Morning in the Bitterroot Valley

Morning in the Bitterroot Valley

Rough Legged Hawk

Snow Geese at Sunset

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Herons

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron

Eagle Preening

Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Sanctuary

Autumn Scene

Bass Creek Trail

Bitterroot Sunset

Dusk in the Bitterroot Valley

Lolo Creek

Lolo Creek Reflection

Bitterroot Stream

Bass Creek Rapids

Flower Barn

Indian Teepee

Common Bracken

Traveller's Rest, Lolo, Mt.

Traveler's Rest

sunrise at sweeney creek

Traveler's Rest Camp Site

MRL R-MRL8801-17A

Bitterroot Moutains