Guarding the Emporer's Tomb

Somewhere is Texas The Emperor Reviews His Troops

Katy Mills Outlet Center

Silo Row

Morton Street Gallery, Richmond

Live Oaks at Fort Bend County Courthouse

Hotel view

Antique Store, Richmond, Texas

The view from up here

Texas Lunch

Our House

Bedroom view

Mini waterfall.

View at the store

Enclave Pkwy.

Pole Aerial Photography - PAP

Annular solar eclipse (Phases of)

Abandoned Chong Hua Sheng Mu Holy Palace, Golden Globe viewed through Tower

1959 Corvette Side View

Stereo Images (parallel) | Kiernan Holland (c) 2014

You know you are a capitalist when you view fire drills that last longer than 1 or 2 minutes and think of lost productivity for the company. #uuuugh #guilty

This morning

Above South Blvd No. 14

Barred Owl

Observation tower at Cullinan Park

Mary Jo Peckham Park

stand tall

After Rain

Sky lake. Cold evening

A winter landscape in Fort Bend County

Sunny day


What an amazing day, just take a look at this Big Texas Sky!

After rain

setting sun on addicks reservoir

Canon S100 test

Winter lake

Katy, Aug 3, 2008

Ghost City

George Bush Park

Grassy Sky again