A Party of Pelicans Perched on Pilings

Jaw Dropping Sky

Into the Gulf • Water Temperature 80°

Under the Pier

Thaw_ 014155

On Naples Bay

Naples Pier, Florida | USA

Autocar ACX

Ocelot 3 at the Naples Zoo

L'ancienne jetée de Naples, Floride

Fosa (Formerly Fossa) Resting at the Naples Zoo, Florida

Walkway View

White Tiger

Naples Pier

Zoomin' Boardwalk

Down Under

Heaven (Panorama) - 25 Pictures at 17mm

Tree Tunnel

Antiche arti del pescare....

Sparkling Sunset

My view. Nice beach.

Naples Pier, Florida

Fishing from the Pier at Sunset

Ominous Sky

The Bridge on Lake Shore Drive

Naples, Florida

Naples Christmas 2018

Gulfside Sunset

Night Photography in Naples Florida

Our Song

Naples Pier

Naples Zoo & Botanical Gardens in IR

Who so ever loves believes the impossible ~ Elizabeth Barret Browing

Naples Pier, Florida -

Dark Sunset On The Beach

Naples sunset during season #wintersky #sunset #skydrama #sky_obsession

2013-04-17 19.19.47

Last sunset on the beach

Last sunset on the beach

Last sunset on the beach

Florida 2013-32