Crosstown Traffic

SOO #6046 Bedford, Indiana

Monon Bedford, Indiana 1963 #2

241 north at Williams Cut

Monon Bedford, Indiana 1963 #1

Cave Entrance As Seen From Under Building

Ready for Takeoff?

New Friend

View from the Cave Entrance

Milwaukee Road Heltonville, Indiana Depot

Limited Use

Diamond in the Brush

Platform, but no Tracks

Do They Recognize It?

Not Coffee Table Book Material

Soo Line Connection

Milwaukee Road Station

Bedford Diamond

Rusty Rails

Bedford in 1992

The View From 1992

Williams Dam - Williams, Indiana




lazy skies


Williams Dam - Williams, Indiana

Intermittent creek near Cedar Bluff

Empire Quarry - Bedford, Indiana


That Trail, Activities Ridge, Ransburg Reservation


Cedar Bluff

Lake Monroe, Indiana

Williams Dam - Williams, Indiana

Winter creeper

Empire Quarry - Bedford, Indiana