Eastern Bluebird

Prothonotary Warbler at Section 8 Woods Nature Preserve

Mill Springs National Cemetery

Tamms, IL

October Rush

Lucerne Moth Nomophila nearctica (Hodges#5156) ky_0816

Grosbeak on Milo

La Center Motel

#Bothfeet on the ground #soill

A monkey with an eyebrow in Monkey's Eyebrow. Achievement unlocked.

Post Office 62956 (Karnak, Illinois)

Post Office 62992 (Ullin, Illinois)


Visitor Meanwhile

Ivory Billed Woodpeckers 20160825_104241

Pulaski County Sheriff Chevrolet Impala

Ullin Police Chevrolet Caprice

Ullin Police Humvee

Grass Spider Agelenopsis sp ky_0812