Dik dik

Lion Cubs Rest in the Sun with a View of the Area

Lion Cubs Rest in the Sun with a View of the Area

View from our tent

Road block

Francolin à gorge rouge / Red-necked Francolin / Pternistis afer cranchii IMG_5204

Taking a break

Choucador cendré / Ashy Starling / Lamprotornis unicolor IMG_5349

leopard in a tree 2

Francolin à gorge rouge / Red-necked Francolin / Pternistis afer cranchii IMG_5197

Hirondelle striée / Lesser Striped Swallow / Cecropis abyssinica IMG_5835

Anaplecte écarlate / Red-headed Weaver / Anaplectes rubriceps leuconotos M_IMG_5444

Inséparable masqué / Yellow-collared Lovebird / Agapornis personatus IMG_5392

Inséparable masqué / Yellow-collared Lovebird / Agapornis personatus IMG_5336

Anaplecte écarlate / Red-headed Weaver / Anaplectes rubriceps leuconotos M_IMG_5458

Anaplecte écarlate / Red-headed Weaver / Anaplectes rubriceps leuconotos M_IMG_5448

Tourterelle du Cap / Ring-necked Dove / Streptopelia capicola IMG_5471

Francolin huppé / Crested Francolin / Dendroperdix sephaena grantii IMG_5820

Gonolek ardoisé / Slate-coloured Boubou / Laniarius funebris_IMG_5433

Souimanga à poitrine rouge / Scarlet-chested Sunbird / Chalcomitra senegalensis IMG_5399

Safari Group 12

Close To The River

Tanzania, Tarangire NP

High Traffic

Tanzania, Tarangire NP

Please Do Not Disturb

Just Like Paradise

Meeting Point

Peacefully Eating Through ...

Time To Apply Some Make-Up

Mom And Kid In The Green

Extensive Scratching

Elephant Herd covered in red mud.

Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park

Female Lions Resting Behind the Cubs on the Lookout

Tanzania, Tarangire NP

DSC_0540 edited - Zebras, Tarangire, Tanzania

Tarangire 26

DSC_0230 - Arbre Tarangire, Tanzania

Kikoti Rock

The Plains of Tanzania