Olympus Zuiko 40-150

Sun Sets on Gull Island

rain across the lake

Krista, Pam and Mark, with small dogs, at the Big Apple near Brighton, Ontario. Summer 2012. Kodak Medalist II, expired Agfa APX25 in HC-110.

Caspian Tern

Another View of Gull Island Shoreline

Caspian Tern Wing Span

Lake view

Take a break?

An Old Tree

Hit the road for fall colours...

Under The Yellow Tree...

A Yellow Tree in Grafton...

The Big Apple


CNR Caboose @ Memory Junction

The 401 again, and the exit to Colborne

Adolescent Mute Swan Close-Up

Lady In Pink

Bygone Memories

Scott's Barn Flower Garden & View South

A lonely bird under a mighty sky

Eye see a reflection, look!

Not the Red Forest

A heavenly garden

Judgement Day

Snow Tunnel

Sunset in the County_A_3 (1)

Presqu'ile Provincial Park

The Big Apple

Forest Path

Alone at Last

Alone at Last v2

Ferns in Fog

Horse Trees Of Presqu'ile - White Cedars

Owen Point Birder

Ice / water, late afternoon

Ice / water, late afternoon

Ice / water, late afternoon

Northumberland Hills Farm Over Lake Ontario