View from the shelter

Digger Mountain

Goshen Cemetery (Cherokee County, Alabama)

Along the Bike Path

Entering Cherokee County (Cherokee County, Alabama)

Goshen Cemetery (Cherokee County, Alabama)

Cirsium altissimum

Tall or Roadside Thistle

Swallowtail & Thistle

Perennial Sweet Pea

Lathyrus latifolius

Enter Calhoun County Sign (Calhoun County, Alabama)

Post Office 36272 (Piedmont, Alabama)

Post Office 36272 Cornerstone (Piedmont, Alabama)

Storefront Block (Piedmont, Alabama)

Meet my niece and "Shero," @chelc_17 ! Every day of her life, she has fought #cysticfibrosis. I have never heard her complain when she was struggling for every breath, or in the hospital, or taking the extensive treatments and medications that help her ha

Orange Glory

Feast for the Insects . . .

. . . and Visual Feast for the Cyclists

Out on a Leaf

Crowned Center

Enter Cherokee County Sign (Cherokee County, Alabama)