Postbridge Waterfalls

Cosdon Hill Bonsai

Bronze Age Wonders and Dartmoor Beauties

Don't turn your back on me now!

Tavy Cleave

Rushford Bridge

The Shard

Sacred ground

Okehampton Military Camp

Dartmoor moorland view

Belstone views

The sheep and the view

Higher Tor Views

Bank Holiday Picnic

View towards Belstone

Cotton Grass

Virtue and Vices - D A R T M O O R

Cows in the pasture - moo moo moo!

Dartmoor - Easter Monday 2017

Sitting upon Yes Tor, Dartmoor

Taw Marsh from Belstone Tor

Windswept tree at Belstone Tor

Dartmoor at heather time

Logan Stone

Dartmoor blues

Belstone Common

Dartmoor - Headland Warren

°Scorhill Stone

Of myths and legends...

Spinsters Rock

The Desolate Tree

The Nine Maidens Stone Circle

It's still in the balance

Red Planet

North Dartmoor