View of the smoke from the grass fire that is causing the evacuation

Old Santa Fe


Mallat Compound Locomotive

Yom Teruah Sunset

A-OK yard office sign, Shawnee, OK.

Ritz & Blue Sky ... Shawnee Oklahoma

Carolina Chickadee

Tufted Titmouse

Sante Fe Train Depot

Sante Fe Train Depot, Shawnee Oklahoma

Spring break at the Original King.

Kelli Brown-Student Stewards and Pollination Protectors

Kelli Brown-Student Stewards and Pollination Protectors

Kelli Brown-Student Stewards and Pollination Protectors

Day 218 Earthquake in Oklahoma USA

An A-OK Xmas

Leroy and Jack


Municipal court

New photo added to "Camera Roll"

New photo added to "Camera Roll"

Santa Fe Depot

Main Street

Hornbeck Theatre

Fleetwood Motel