Summer Reflection

Morning Nectar

Shop Talk - The April Gathering

Friends of Man

IMAG1577 is what my phone called this

Fallen Tree (Multi-Image Composite w/ large format) - Test

2074 College View, Good Bye.

The beginning of an Adventure

lens flare

Monsoon rain

2074 College View, Good Bye.

2074 College View, Good Bye.

Chill'n with a Wild Bunny (Kevin)

Major Disaster

CICO Park Sunset

My view from the chair

Perspective on a Quarter

The view from a moving vehicle

Milky way in August

Colbert Hills Sunrise

Monsoon rain

Welcome to Oz

Konza Prairie Sunset

Half & half

King's Creek Winter Panorama

"Lone Tree on Hill Top in sepia"

Konza Prairie Nature Trail - "Lone tree" 2

Konza Sunset

A simple shot out a moving car window

Death and Trees

Moving Landscape


Konza Prairie

Reseting the camera

Thunderstorm, Manhattan, April 2011

Landscape sunset shot

ks sunrise

Foggy Morning

These type of shots seem to take them selves.

Republican River, Kansas