Crickley Hill

The Rare Fly Orchid (with a story)

View From Painswick Beacon

A view from the Cotswolds

Token Exchange - Gotherington, Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway (GWR) - 5.6.2022

Tewkesbury Abbey, View East Along the Nave

Sheer-down Crickley Hill

Ptilodon cucullina - Maple Prominent

Heaven's Above

Cloisters of Gloucester (see description)

Tewkesbury Abbey, View West from the Chancel

Iron-age sunset

Tewkesbury Abbey, View West from the Quire

rufous grasshopper, Gomphocerippus rufous, female

Light and Reflections at Gloucester Docks

Gloucester Lock

II nreveS

Another view of Painswick.

Gloucestershire View.

The Choir, Gloucester Cathedral

All our working lives.

Staunton Court, Gloucestershire

Autumn clemency

Tewksbury boat catcher

Reflection of Tewkesbury Abbey, Gloucestershire

Wolf Moon Rising

Banks of the Avon

Paragliding at the Malverns

The Lich Road

The Lake at the Snowdrops garden.

The journey home

Gloucestershire fields.

The rollers and the beech

Never ending landsape

Snowy Cheltenham, 1st February 2019

Saul Junction

Tree and stormy late sky

Sun and showers - an evening on Cleeve Hill

GWR 7029 Clun Castle in the landscape

Everything's Upside Down

Gloucester historic Docks