The eternal battle...
The rooftops of Calascio
Last moments of the day
Heart-shaped cloud
From a Distance
The fortress at dawn
Storm coming
Ain't no mountain high enough
Cracked memories
In the fields of the Roman Empire
This morning...
And the evening comes
Lens compression
As far as my eyes can see
Course of river Tirino
Hay bales in BW
What's beyond?
Happiness is the road
Colors through the rain
At the foot of the great mountain
Constant motion
A panoramic view of the town
Green grasslands
Rocca Calascio Afternoon
Racconti d' Abruzzo
Santa Maria della Pietà e il Gran Sasso
Clouds driven by the wind
Rocca Calascio
Walk in the ruins...
From the ruins of an old quarry
Rocca Calascio (AQ) - Santa Maria della Pietà
Abruzzo, agosto 2015. Altopiano di Campo Imperatore
Lights from heaven
Magic on the castle
Rocca Calascio Afternoon