exercise in voyeurism

tanks so much (explored)

The Dental Touch

Main Street, Leesburg

Lakeshore View

"Area 51"

Past Present

Palm view

Bad Sled

Torrid Triumph

Main Street, Leesburg

Rat's Hole

An Oldie But A Goodie !

Mote-Morris House, Leesburg, Florida

Mote-Morris House, Leesburg

The Dental Touch

Former SAL...Carnage at Coleman, Florida May, 1989

Mote-Morris House, Leesburg

Area 51

Antique Road Grader 2 of 2

Jewel of a Sportster

Leesburg, FL, Lake Harris

Lake Griffin, Leesburg

The Villages - Sumter County, Florida

Life size art..

Lake Harris

Start to an awesome day.

PA190979 - Lake Sumter Landing at sunset

The Villages, FL, Marshland Trail, Yellow Flowers

Lake Sumter

Venetian Gardens - Leesburg, Florida

TGIF folks! Rainbow chasing in central Florida, admiring a father & daughter gone fishin'

Venetian Gardens - Leesburg, Florida

The Villages, FL, Marshland Boardwalk Trail


Pinellas Pool

FL Turnpike

AMTK 374 & 467B

Bridgeport Recreation Center at The Villages

Lake Harris

Alaska AS 1300 SFO-MCO

Lake Sumter