Southern Serenity

Rainbow over the Beach, Amelia Island, Florida

Fort Clinch State Park, 2601 Atlantic Avenue, Fernandina Beach, Florida, USA

Amelia Island Lighthouse

Amelia Island

Today is a sad day. I'm saying goodbye to Amelia Island and one of my most favorite views I've ever seen. Today I move back to Jax Beach and I'm very very excited for some big changes happening in my life. God is so good and I trust him completely!

Beach Scene Fernandina Beach, Florida c_1940

Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina)

Fay Has Arrived!

The Approaching Rains

Florida Marsh View

Scrambling Spectrums

The Harbor Lines of Dusk

View of Interior, Fort Clinch

View of ramparts and parade ground, Fort Clinch

Duesenberg 1920 Special Number 12

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus)

Barracks, Fort Clinch, Florida

Moat, Fort Clinch

Amelia Island hotel view

Off the Hook...

Paradise Pathway

Downtown Fernandina Beach at Twilight

Sunset on the South End, Amelia Island, Florida

Twilight over Fernandina Beach Marina

Subtle Sunrise

Shades of Green

South End Sojourn, Amelia Island, Florida


Sunset over Egan's Creek


Amelia Seascape

Perfect Beach Day, Amelia Island, Florida

Fernandina Beach Shrimp Boats, Amelia Island, Florida

Palm log and a beachcomber

Same river different light

Twilight and Sea Oats