Springtime at the lake 4

Springtime at the lake shore 2

Springtime at the lake shore

Wonderful springtime 2

Springtime at the lake 8

Springtime at the lake 2

Hoch über Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz

Willkommen in Ballertshofen

Another view of sunset

Springtime at the lake 6

Wonderful springtime

Jesus am Kreuz auf dem Habsberg

Dusks are views I´m always runing after

accident car at a fresh roundabout - back view

View from Wolfstein

accident car at a fresh roundabout - side view

Natural views

SommerFeld II

The Kastl Castle

Castle Lichtenegg

DSC00950 Hopfengarten

Thunderstorm in the early afternoon

Black & White 2013 – Oktober

Another New Morning Has Broken

Good morning, Sun

Time to go ...


Another New Morning Has Broken

Blick vom Hohlen Fels nach Förrenbach

Way to Fürnried


26|DREIZEHN-13 Ausblick

Düsterer Ausblick von der Burgruine Lichtenstein

Der Baum im September


Sommerwiese (am Ludwig-Donau-Main-Kanal)