Day 180 - Little adventures from childhood (Explored)

Day 189 - Dando is back! (Explored)

Day 132 - Look where you walk out! Dont step on us! (Explored)

Day 177 - Take your time to read. (Explored)

Day 135 - Let it roll! (Explored)

the fog

Day 130 - Play with the Adventures of your Surprises! (Explored)

Day 168 - Flying Danbos? (Explored)

Day 175 - The right track? (Explored)

Day 171 - The autopsy (Explored)

Day 136 - Waaah, they found us!! (Explored)

Day 138 - Coin Flipping - DRAW (Explored)

Day 173 - The ultimate Ninja-Duo (Explored)

Day 169 - banana murder (Explored)

Day 137 - Rock-paper-scissors - rock beats scissors (Explored)

Day 170 - scene of the crime (Explored)

Neulich, nahe dem Rhein-Weser-Turm

Day 176 - Interviewing witnesses! (Explored)

Wildewiese_2007-12-20 17-28-47

Wildewiese_2007-12-20 16-57-50

Wildewiese_2007-12-20 17-30-07

20140223-Canon EOS 6D-2570

3 in a row

Rothaarsteig im Januar 2014

Ramses Sommerresidenz im Sauerland

fir forest

Green Field

Scenery near Meschede, germany

Field of rapeseeds

Good weather conditions

Landscape in spring

Hochsauerland zu Abend

Nice clouds

Autumn starts....

Sunset at the airfield

Clouds coming up...

Ich brauche eine Pause.

Bei Schwartmecke

IMG_1027 Natuerlich

20140223-Canon EOS 6D-2340

2014 Germany // Sauerland Höhenflug

Scenery near Meschede