End of the Road


Golden Light

Star Trails 4.0 (revisited)

Life is like ...

Pastoral landscape with Große Pyhrgas view

Stift Spital a. P. - HDR

Panoramic view from Große Pyhrgas

Some flowers on the balcony of a little hotel

Panoramic view from Große Pyhrgas

Warscheneck view from Große Pyhrgas

View from the Gowilalm

Stare at the top

Panaroama - "enns-valey" viewed from the "Kaiserau"

Sparafeld view

Warscheneckgruppe, view from Große Pyhrgas

Mail delivery

View at Admont from Große Pyhrgas

Coffee with a view.

Illuminated by the Moon

1116 087

winter is not far

my ride ...

ÖBB 1142.665 Spital am Pyhrn (4101)

185 362 Gleinkerau (4103)

Gleinkersee - Austria

Roßleithen #4557.jpg

Hengstpass - Austria

Totes Gebirge

Lonely Mount Grimming

1142 673 + 1144 262 + 1016 005

Irány Linz!

Tandem a hegyek között

Hengstpass - Austria

Windischgarsten, Austria

Windischgarsten, Austria

Ó hory, ó hory II