Top of Cedar Hill

Shooting Craps

Monk Parakeet

Waxahachie, TX

An #Earlybird photo for an Early #Texas #Sunrise. :)

Waxahachie, TX

Waxahachie Courthouse


View of the Backyard

Industry Complexity

Flag for 4th - HDR

Hagen's Sphinx Moth

Ellis County Courthouse, Waxahachie

Ligon & Hamm Grocery, Hardware & Undertaking, downtown Red Oak, Texas, still standing in 2011

Waxahachie WW II Weekend 2011 - Mine

The view from my office window. Just enough winter precipitation to make driving a mess.

Antique Shop - HDR

capital mod

Hagen's Sphinx Moth

Waxahachie Creek, Waxahachie, Texas

Statue - Richard Ellis

Queen Butterflies

Black Swallowtail

Field of Sunflowers, Instagram

Greater Roadrunner

Sunset over Ferris


Pink Primrose

White-crowned Sparrow

White Crowned Sparrow

Texas Wildflowers

White-crowned Sparrow

Dark-eyed Junco

Harris's Sparrow

White-crowned Sparrow

08.07.2011 Pond

Field of Sunflowers 2

Field of Sunflowers

Lark Sparrow

Harris's Sparrow