25 seconds of Light ...

Dusk Fun

Goose landing

Sunrise Trees and Marsh

AZ At Work

Mute Swans

Waterfall Motion

Concealing Shyness

White Admiral Butterfly

Cabbage White

Monarch Butterfly

Northern Cardinal

colorized postcard

Summer in October ?

The Queen

Federal Kushiro tied up to pier

Chilling at the Gas Station - Central Ajax on a cold January Night (interactive 360degree pano)

The Feast

Mute Swan

Only A Dream

Painted Lady

ajax waterfront

Beach toys for girls and boys

Lynde Shores Lake Ontario - 6008

Waiting for spring

Small island of rock, ice and a tree

Green tranparency

February Blahs


Lonely tree. #LGG5

Bridal Props

Grand Expectations

Woodland Animal Spirits

5:18am - Blue Hour Begins

Orange Flowers

113:365 Hut

Come celebate another dawn!

And then the fog leaves

Summer in the Country

Good Day For A Walk!