A bird's eye view of NY&LE's FP's as they await the reboarding of passengers during their Halloween excursion

Snowy Owl

2018-07-03 Pixel2 - Colorado (17)-2

Snowy Owl

Eagle Bay

Northern Harrier

Grandmas Haunted House DSC_0002 B&W

White-crowned Sparrows

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Cassiar Dark-eyed Junco (cismontanus)

Lake Effect Snow

Common Loon

porch view

Pasture DSC_0001

Pastel Dawn over Lake Flavia (Flickr)

201025 Misty Lake Flavia (Flickr)

Sunrise over Lake Flavia (Flickr)

BSOR 1847 pulls 20 empty covered hoppers over Cattaraugus Creek as it departs NYLE property. These are the last 20 cars stored on the NYLE. The NYLE has no current customers, so it may be a while before this route sees freight activity again.

Galion Grader

Galion Grader BW

2014 365/197

2014 365/195

Walnut Falls - Forestville, NY

Upon the sand

fool on the hill.

Tunnel that was in Trains Planes and Automobiles




Tributary Falls 1

Eagle Bay


Snowy Owl